Next generation X-ray scanners
for contraband and threat detection
Car Bombs/Explosives/Guns/Drugs/Contraband
- Car/Vehicle,Robotic X-ray Scanners for Law Enforcement Use
- Customs/Border Patrol/Roadside Checkpoints
- Security Details of Presidents/Prime Ministers/VVIPs
- Perimeter Security at Military/Air/Navy Bases
- Infrastructure Protection: Gated checkpoints at entrances of facilities and industrial plants, power plants, oil refineries, corporate offices

Next generation
X-ray scanners
for contraband and threat detection
- Car/Vehicle, Robotic X-ray Scanners for Law Enforcement Use
- Customs/Border Patrol/RoadSide CheckPoints
- Security Details of Presidents/Prime Ministers/VVIPs
- Perimeter Security at Military/Air/Navy bases
- Infrastructure Protection: Gated Checkpoints at entrances of important facilities and industrial plants, power plants, oil refineries, corporate offices
Our Products
Revolutionary Technology, ultra compact size, hand portable modules,
low power, small batteries, low cost, low maintenance

CXR-TD: Car X-ray Scanner–Top View
Top View shows a comprehensive overall view of the vehicle. It uses small batteries and a small charger/single-phase adapter. Being lightweight, hand portable, and with no tools setup, makes it ideal for fixed or mobile units, roadside checkpoints, for security details of Presidents and other VIPs (Very Important Persons)

CXR-S: Car X-ray Scanner–Side View
Side View with clear views of the roof and vertical sides of the vehicle can be used either as a stand-alone unit or in conjunction with Top View to provide a dual view capability. It uses small batteries and a small charger/single-phase adapter. Being lightweight, hand portable, and with no tools setup, makes it ideal for fixed or mobile units, roadside checkpoints, for security details of Presidents and other VIPs (Very Important Persons)

XSR: X-ray Scanning Rover
With increasing risks at public venues like airports, sporting events, and city streets, the need for safe rapid detection of IEDs is acute. SIS’s revolutionary technology miniaturizes the detection system that can be mounted on a small robot for remotely scanning left-behind packages from a safe stand-off distance.
What we do
guns/objects of threat
Safeguarding public safety by detecting and preventing the presence of illicit substances and dangerous objects.
Let’s Connect.
Discover the power of cutting-edge security technology solutions, ensuring the elimination of security threats.
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Let’s Connect.
Discover the power of cutting-edge security technology solutions, ensuring the elimination of security threats.